Models, prototypes, equipment, installations, experiments, chain reactions. From development to planning. Implementation to support... If you dare to ask, we're ready to go!


ZX Aqua Rider


Wir durften für Overkillshop in Berlin und Adidas dieses herrliche Unikat des Aqua Riders herstellen. Viel Wasser ist bei der Produktion Elbe und Spree heruntergeflossen. Es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht. Danke Nicklas, für euer Vertrauen.

Art Director: Chunk Hamburg - Agentur XY

Hero Thron


This transformed throne for the IAA Commercial Vehicles was created in our workshops in Wedel in lively teamwork with Christian Schätzel and Sascha Werthmann and their respective teams.

Art Director: Christian Schätzel

DB Autopendel

Planning, research, structural engineering, production, construction and support of the event at the event location. Duration of the installation: 5 days near Cologne.




We thought that the production of the

different hexagons and the surface would be a challenge...We tied more than 3 km of nylon thread, which took over 18 hours, in order to hang the installation properly. Dear team: Thank you for your patience!

Art Director: Matthias Strahl



G-Klasse - Amber Cube 

(Making off)

A gigantic task. The world's largest synthetic resin casting has devoured approx. 45 tons of epoxy resin. Planning,

budgeting, testing and the development of a casting laboratory in our studios in Wedel. 90 days (24/7) casting, surfaces, logistics, event management. In the end the experiment worked!

Ritter Sport 

Planning and development of the vending

machine, production, transport and support at Stuttgart railway station in

cooperation with Kolle Rebbe.

MB F-Cell

Development, planning, manufacture,

installation and support of an exhaust gas condensation plant for the extraction of water from the exhaust gases of the F-CELL during the journey through Death Valley.

Smart - 

Guess the car

Development, planning, production,

installation and support of the test laboratory.The event time, including assembly, dismantling and shooting: 18 hours.

Smart Draft 

Planning, production and supervision of

the Smart Draft plant, in cooperation with Kolle Rebbe.

MB Toycars

It's very fiddly to prepare model cars so

that magnets won't let them collide, while ensuring that the magnetic fields don't combine for the opposite action.

Mediamarkt Truck

There wasn't much time... From the job

“go” to the shoot was only four weeks. During this time we made the trailer

with all its features, reworked and painted the tractor. The icing on the cake

was the curved cockpit. In the end, the truck had a road license and toured as

a POS vehicle, among other things on the Four Hills Tour.

Art Director: Bader el Hindi

Toyota Vitz

Development and production of 400 square meters of a specially developed, translucent and resilient fabric in our

workshops. A balloon with a diameter of 8m was made from this material.

Supervision of the shoot on the Berlin Museum Island with level 4 wind forces -
