Whether a painted studio, small kitchen set, two-story film set, historic apartment, location prep or shooting support; we are there for you. In our workshops, which are directly affiliated to the studio, we build with passion, even spontaneously during the shoot if needed.



Electric Eels

Unter Wasser im Studio. Dieses Set in unser Studio 3 zu bauen war eine elektrisierende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Zoran Bihać (Regie), Daniel Farkas (Producer) und unserer Setbauabteilung. Neben dem Spaß beim Entwickeln des Sets, waren die Dreharbeiten mit dem gesamten Team und vor allem den Puppenspielern mehr als nur eine Freude.

Die glitzernde, wabernde Unterwasserwelt wurde von unserer Lichttechnik kreativ mit Stufenlinsen, Rettungsdecken und LED Panels geschaffen. So wurde das Set in die bläuliche, von Sonnenlicht durchflutete Unterwasserstimmung verzaubert.

Art Director: Woodland Studios GmbH


Where small went big!

The realization of Kolle Rebbe’s thought-provoking campaign for Miseror, fundamentally raised our awareness .

On the one hand, we are humbled to have had a part in spreading this message.

On the other hand, we are very proud 

to have been involved with this project which won two golden awards in

Experiential Design und Non Profitt at the London International Awards.

Art Director: Kolle Rebbe


OTTO Technik 

Miniature sets, great job!

Turn, spray, shake, slide. The surfaces here

presented the greatest challenge.

Art Director: Bader el Hindi

HARIBO - Goldbären 

To be allowed to build a vault with a

wheel-lock door... a gift!

Construction and shooting support in our studio A3.

Art Director: Bader el Hindi


Planning, visualization and production of

the set construction in our studio A1.

Art Director: Betty Hagemann

Dr. Oetcker - Casa di mamma

These kitchens were filmed in our studios

A1 and A3. Production of the scenery and support during the shoot.

Art Director: Marco Bittner-Rosser



The entire film set was covered by a 300 sqm elliptical free-floating ceiling in Studio Babelsberg. Palisander imitation, 500 square meters of specially made concrete surfaces, and the unique spiral staircase are the trademarks of the building.

Art Director: Pirra Lorenzo


AMG - Art Director: Woodland Studios

MERCK - Art Director: Matthias Strahl


CASA DI MAMA - Art Director: Marco Bittner-Rosser

CASA DI MAMA - Art Director: Marco Bittner - Rosser

Dr.Oetcker - Art Director: Marco Bittner-Rosser 

SPARDA BANK - Art Director: Marco Bittner - Rosser

PORSCHE - Art Director: Monica Nüchtern